#107 Mil Muertes sobre #98 Fenix.
#66 Big Ryck sobre #123 Sexy Star. #122 Texano Jr sobre Campeon Mundial de Peso Completo de AAA Alberto El Patron [DQ].
Regresamos con resultados de WWC, CMLL, IWRG, Llaves Y Candados, Lucha Underground, WWE, TNA, ROH, NXT, y New Japan.
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Saturday, March 7, 2015
In Men's Division action:
#107 Mil Muertes pinned #98 Fenix. Muertes earned 12 points. Fenix lost 20 points. After the match Muertes attacked Catrina until Fenix made the save.
#66 Big Ryck pinned #123 Sexy Star. Ryck earned 9 points. Star lost 16 points. After the match Cortez Castro, Mr. Cisco, and Bael attacked Ryck until Star made the save. The Crew took out Star but Ryck made the comback. #122 Texano Jr defeated AAA World Heavyweight Champion Alberto El Patron by DQ due to Patron using Texano's bullrope on him. Texano picked up 1 point. Patron lost 1 point.
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TNA, ROH, WWC, CMLL, IWRG, NXT, Llaves Y Candados, Lucha Underground, and New Japan televised and PPV
programming as well as the updated NAWR
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#25 Rey Bucanero defeated Campeon Mundial Historico de Peso Medio de la NWA #17 La Sombra 2 caidas - 1 caida [non-title].
Atlantis, Mistico Nueva Era, y Angel De Oro sobre Ephesto, Mephisto, y Felino 2 caidas - 1 caida.
Pierrothito, Pequeno Olimpico, y Mercurio sobre Astral, Electrico, y Shockercito 2 caidas - 1 caida.
Regresamos con resultados de WWC, CMLL, IWRG, Llaves Y Candados, Lucha Underground, WWE, TNA, ROH, NXT, y New Japan.
In a Men's Division match, #25 Rey Bucanero defeated NWA World Historic Champion #17[IL] La Sombra 2 falls to 1 in a non-title match, the final fall when he pinned Sombra after pulling his mask off. [Sombra pinned Bucanero to win the first fall by holding the ropes for leverage]. Bucanero picked up 20 points. Sombra lost 12 points.
In a Men's Trios match, Atlantis, Mistico Nueva Era, and Angel De Oro defeated Ephesto, Mephisto, and Felino 2 falls to 1.
In a Minis Trios match, Pierrothito, Pequeno Olimpico, and Mercurio defeated Astral, Electrico, and Shockercito 2 falls to 1.
Be sure to stop back
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TNA, ROH, WWC, CMLL, IWRG, NXT, Llaves Y Candados, Lucha Underground, and New Japan televised and PPV
programming as well as the updated NAWR
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Wrestling Rankings.
La Mascara y Mephesto sobre Dragon Lee(2) y Kamaitachi.
Guerrera Maya Jr y Reapper sobre Delta y Misterioso Jr.
Rey Bucanero y Volador Jr sobre Barbero Cavernario y Titan.
Negro Casas y La Sombra sobre Euforia y Valiente.
La Mascara y Mephisto sobre Guerrero Maya Jr y Reapper.
Rey Bucanero y Volador Jr sobre Negro Casas y La Sombra.
Rey Bucanero y Volador Jr sobre La Mascara y Mephisto.
Regresamos con resultados de WWC, CMLL, IWRG, Llaves Y Candados, Lucha Underground, WWE, TNA, ROH, NXT, y New Japan.
In Men's Tag Team Division action:
QUARTER-FINALS: [all teams unranked]:
La Mascara and Mephesto defeated Dragon Lee(2) and Kamaitachi after Lee and Kamaitachi turned on each other.
Guerrera Maya Jr and Reapper defeated Delta and Misterioso Jr when Delta and Misterioso turned on each other.
Rey Bucanero and Volador Jr defeated Barbero Cavernario and Titan when Cavernario and Titan turned on each other.
Negro Casas and La Sombra defeated Euforia and Valiente.
The winning teams each recieved 2 points. The losing teams each entered the Rankings with an 0-1-0 record and minus 30 points.
SEMI-FINALS: [all teams ranked #41].
La Mascara and Mephisto defeated Guerrero Maya Jr and Reapper.
Rey Bucanero and Volador Jr defeated Negro Casas and La Sombra.
The winning teams each recieved 17 points. The losing teams each lost 14 points.
FINALS: [both teams ranked #32]
Rey Bucanero and Volador Jr defeated La Mascara and Mephisto. Bucanero and Volador earned 18 points plus 20 bonus points for winning Fase 1. Mascara and Mephesto lost 13 points but recieved 10 points as Fase 1 runners up.
Be sure to stop back
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TNA, ROH, WWC, CMLL, IWRG, NXT, Llaves Y Candados, Lucha Underground, and New Japan televised and PPV
programming as well as the updated NAWR
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Wrestling Rankings.
#181 El Diabolico sobre #170 Xix Xavant.
Campeon Mundial Jr Completo de WWC Rikochet sobre #118 Samuel Adams.
Campeon Universal de WWC Carlito sobre #35 Mighty Ursus [DQ].
Regresamos con resultados de WWC, CMLL, IWRG, Llaves Y Candados, Lucha Underground, WWE, TNA, ROH, NXT, y New Japan.
In Men's Division action:
#181 El Diabolico pinned #170 Xix Xavant after hitting him with brass knucks. Diabolico picked up 5 points. Xavant lost 27 points.
WWC World Jr Heavyweight Champion Rikochet pinned #118 Samuel Adams. The Champ earned 10 points. Adams lost 1 point.
WWC Universal Champion Carlito defeated #35 Mighty Ursus by DQ due to outside interference by Ray Gonzalez's son. Carribean Cool picked up 1 point. Ursus lost 1 point. After the match Carlito, La Revolucion, and Angel Fashion Perez attempted to attack Gonzalez but he escaped through the crowd.
Be sure to stop back
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TNA, ROH, WWC, CMLL, IWRG, NXT, Llaves Y Candados, Lucha Underground, and New Japan televised and PPV
programming as well as the updated NAWR
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Wrestling Rankings.
TNA IMPACT RESULTADOS: air date 3/6/15
#146 Drew Galloway sobre #17 Kenny King.
#37 Bram sobre #32 Matt Hardy.
Triple Amenaza: Kurt Angle sobre #20 Bobby Roode y #42 Eric Young.
Campeon Mundial Femenil de TNA Taryn Terrell sobre #3 Awesome Kong [DQ].
Regresamos con resultados de WWC, CMLL, IWRG, Llaves Y Candados, Lucha Underground, WWE, TNA, ROH, NXT, y New Japan.
TNA IMPACT RESULTS: airdate 3/6/15
In Men's Division action:
#146[IL] Drew Galloway pinned #17 Kenny King. Galloway earned 20 points. The King Of The Night lost 24 points.
#37 Bram pinned #32 Matt Hardy after kicking him low. The King Of Hardcore picked up 18 points. Hardy lost 13 points.
Current TNA World Champion Kurt Angle defeated #20 Bobby Roode and #42 Eric Young in a Triple Threat Match when he pinned Roode after Young had hit the It-Factor with a chair. Angle picked up 37 points. Roode and EY each received a "No-Decision" on their records but lost no points.
In a Women's Division match, TNA Knockouts Champion Taryn Terrell defeated #3 Awesome Kong by DQ due to Kong shoving the referee. The Champ picked up 1 point. Kong lost 1 point. After the match, Kong continued to attack Terrell until Gail Kim made the save. Kong and Kim brawled to the back.
Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards' 1/30/15 TNA Tag Team Championship victory over Abyss and James Storm was shown. Edwards pinned Abyss due to outside interference by Matt Hardy.
Eric Young attacked Bobby Roode during an in-ring segment until Kurt Angle made the save.
#146[IL] Drew Galloway pinned #17 Kenny King. Galloway earned 20 points. The King Of The Night lost 24 points.
#37 Bram pinned #32 Matt Hardy after kicking him low. The King Of Hardcore picked up 18 points. Hardy lost 13 points.
Current TNA World Champion Kurt Angle defeated #20 Bobby Roode and #42 Eric Young in a Triple Threat Match when he pinned Roode after Young had hit the It-Factor with a chair. Angle picked up 37 points. Roode and EY each received a "No-Decision" on their records but lost no points.
In a Women's Division match, TNA Knockouts Champion Taryn Terrell defeated #3 Awesome Kong by DQ due to Kong shoving the referee. The Champ picked up 1 point. Kong lost 1 point. After the match, Kong continued to attack Terrell until Gail Kim made the save. Kong and Kim brawled to the back.
Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards' 1/30/15 TNA Tag Team Championship victory over Abyss and James Storm was shown. Edwards pinned Abyss due to outside interference by Matt Hardy.
Eric Young attacked Bobby Roode during an in-ring segment until Kurt Angle made the save.
Be sure to stop back
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TNA, ROH, WWC, CMLL, IWRG, NXT, Llaves Y Candados, Lucha Underground, and New Japan televised and PPV
programming as well as the updated NAWR
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Wrestling Rankings.
#185 Zack Ryder sobre #99 Adam Rose.
#11 The Ascension [Konnor y Viktor] sobre #7 The Prime Time Players [Darren Young y Titus O'Neil].
Regresamos con resultados de WWC, CMLL, IWRG, Llaves Y Candados, Lucha Underground, WWE, TNA, ROH, NXT, y New Japan.
In a Men's Division match, #185 Zack Ryder pinned #99 Adam Rose. The Long Island Iced Z picked up 19 points. Rose lost 27 points.
In a Men's Tag Team Division match, #11 The Ascension [Konnor and Viktor] defeated #7 Darren Young and Titus O'Neil when Viktor pinned Young. The Ascension picked up 24 points. The Prime Time Players lost 11 points.
Be sure to stop back
here regularly for the results of all WWE,
TNA, ROH, WWC, CMLL, IWRG, NXT, Llaves Y Candados, Lucha Underground, and New Japan televised and PPV
programming as well as the updated NAWR
For more information
on the ranking system or complete rankings, click on the categories
at the top of the page.
all the hottest wrestling merchandise, check out the NAWR Store on the right of the page.
Follow the NAWR on Twitter @WrestlingNAWR and on Facebook
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Wrestling Rankings.
Friday, March 6, 2015
#64 Tetsuya Naito sobre #148 Yujiro Takahashi.
Campeon Intercontinental Peso Completo del IWGP #80 Shinsuke Nakamura sobre unranked Naomichi Marufuji.
Campeon Intercontinental Peso Completo del IWGP #80 Shinsuke Nakamura sobre unranked Naomichi Marufuji.
Regresamos con resultados de WWC, CMLL, IWRG, Llaves
Y Candados, Lucha Underground,
WWE, TNA, ROH, NXT, y New Japan.
In Men's Division action:
#64 Tetsuya Naito defeated #148[IL] Yujiro Takahashi by submission. Naito earned 7 points. Takahashi lost 16 points.
IWGP Inter-Cotinental Champion #80 Shinsuke Nakamura pinned unranked Naomichi Marufuji. The champ earned 2 points. Marufuji entered the Rankings with an 0-1-0 record and minus 17 points.
#64 Tetsuya Naito defeated #148[IL] Yujiro Takahashi by submission. Naito earned 7 points. Takahashi lost 16 points.
IWGP Inter-Cotinental Champion #80 Shinsuke Nakamura pinned unranked Naomichi Marufuji. The champ earned 2 points. Marufuji entered the Rankings with an 0-1-0 record and minus 17 points.
Be sure to stop back
here regularly for the results of all WWE,
TNA, ROH, WWC, CMLL, IWRG, NXT, Llaves Y Candados, Lucha Underground, and New Japan televised and PPV
programming as well as the updated NAWR
For more information
on the ranking system or complete rankings, click on the categories
at the top of the page.
all the hottest wrestling merchandise, check out the NAWR Store on the right of the page.
Follow the NAWR on Twitter @WrestlingNAWR and on Facebook
and Google + at North American
Wrestling Rankings.
Updated 3/6/15
note: The NAWR began charting the records of WWE and TNA men's tag teams on 10/8/07, [NXT added 2/23/10-9/28/10 then again as of 2/27/14, CMLL added 7/30/11, ROH added 9/29/11,WWC added 6/16/12, LYC added 7/8/12, IWRG added on 3/17/13, Lucha Underground added 10/29/14, New Japan added 1/4/15]. Anything BEFORE those dates are not reflected in these records.
note: The NAWR began charting the records of WWE and TNA men's tag teams on 10/8/07, [NXT added 2/23/10-9/28/10 then again as of 2/27/14, CMLL added 7/30/11, ROH added 9/29/11,WWC added 6/16/12, LYC added 7/8/12, IWRG added on 3/17/13, Lucha Underground added 10/29/14, New Japan added 1/4/15]. Anything BEFORE those dates are not reflected in these records.
W-L-ND[TM] PTS Promotion
C. Cesaro & Tyson Kidd 9-7-0[16] +1401[1192] WWE WWE Champs [2/22/15]
C. Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly 23-4-1[28] +1037 ROH & NJPW ROH Champs [5/17/14]
C. Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards 27-8-5[40] +671 ROH/TNA TNA Champs [1/30/15]
C. Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson 2-1-0[3] +265 NJPW IWGP Champs [2/11/15]
C. Negro Casas & Shocker 3-0-0[3] +202 CMLL CMLL Champs [6/13/14]
C. Huracan Castillo Jr & Miguel Perez Jr 6-3-3[12] +175 WWC WWC Champs [12/6/14]
C. Matt & Nick Jackson 12-19-6[27] +26 TNA/ROH/TNA/ROH/NJPW IWGP Jr Champs [2/11/15]
C. Cesaro & Tyson Kidd 9-7-0[16] +1401[1192] WWE WWE Champs [2/22/15]
C. Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly 23-4-1[28] +1037 ROH & NJPW ROH Champs [5/17/14]
C. Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards 27-8-5[40] +671 ROH/TNA TNA Champs [1/30/15]
C. Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson 2-1-0[3] +265 NJPW IWGP Champs [2/11/15]
C. Negro Casas & Shocker 3-0-0[3] +202 CMLL CMLL Champs [6/13/14]
C. Huracan Castillo Jr & Miguel Perez Jr 6-3-3[12] +175 WWC WWC Champs [12/6/14]
C. Matt & Nick Jackson 12-19-6[27] +26 TNA/ROH/TNA/ROH/NJPW IWGP Jr Champs [2/11/15]
W-L-ND[TM] PTS Promotion
1. Daniel Bryan & Roman Reigns 9-0-0[9] +1299[1015] WWE
2. Usos [Jimmy & Jey] 82-51-12[145] +1288 WWE
3. Hardys [Matt & Jeff] 9-4-3[16] +599[504] ECW/TNA
4. Dolph Ziggler & Ryback 1-0-0[1] +589[561] WWE
5. Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods 4-0-0[4] +565[485] WWE
6. Goldust & Stardust 30-33-7[70] +564 WWE
7. Darren Young & Titus O'Neil 25-45-1[71] +299 WWE
8. Buddy Murphy & Wesley Blake 4-5-1[10 +283[248] NXT NXT Champs[1/15/15]
9. Briscoe Brothers [Jay & Mark] 22-6-5[33] +257 ROH
10. Kalisto & Sin Cara(2) 13-2-0[15] +255 NXT
11. The Ascension [Konnor & Viktor] 26-6-2[34] +248 NXT/WWE
12. Sons of Samoa [L.A. Smooth & Manu] 10-7-2[19] +232* WWC
13. Ash Rubinsky & William De La Vega 11-10-4[25] +211* WWC
14. Los Matadores[Diego & Fernando] 38-42-5[85] +172 WWE & WWC
15. Big E Langston & Kofi Kingston 9-4-0[13] +162[15] WWE
16. Damien Sandow & The Miz 8-13-1[22] +161 WWE
17. Abyss & James Storm 3-1-0[4] +155 TNA
18. La Revolucion 1-1-0[2] +154[120] WWC
19. Billy Gunn & Road Dogg 5-5-2[12] +102* TNA/WWE
23. Bobby Zavala & Olimpico 2-1-0[3] +78 CMLL
24. Finn Balor & Hideo Itami 4-0-0[4] +67* NXT
25. Big Show & Kane 8-4-0[12] +60 WWE
26. Colin Cassaday & Enzo Amore 3-4-2[9] +50[66] NXT
27. Aiden English & Simon Gotch 10-6-0[16] +49 NXT
28. Alex Koslov & Rocky Romero 2-3-3[8] +48* ROH/NJPW
29. Hirooki Goto & Katsuyuri Shibata 1-1-0[2] +44 NJPW
30. Chicano(2) & Danny Casas 1-1-0[2] +38 IWRG IC Champs [1/25/15]
31. Big E. Langston & Xavier Woods 1-1-0[2] +22 WWE
32. Mr. Anderson & Rockstar Spud 1-0-0[1] +19 TNA
33. ACH & Matt Sydal 1-0-1[2] +13 ROH
34. Canis Lupus & Eterno 3-2-0[4] +8* IWRG
35. Black Terry & Negro Navarro 1-0-0[1] +8* IWRG
36. Eric Young & Low Ki 1-0-0[1] +7* TNA
37. Gunner & Mr. Anderson 1-0-0[1] +5* TNA
38. Drago & La Parka 2-0-0[2] +4* LYC
39. Chicky Starr & Xix Xavant 1-1-0[2] +6* WWC
40. Hijo De Mascara Ano 2000 & Universo 2000 Jr 2-0-0[2] +2 IWRG
41. MVP & Samoa Joe 1-0-0[1] +2 TNA
Dean Ambrose & Dolph Ziggler 1-0-0[1] +2 WWE
43. Ethan Carter 3rd & Tyrus 2-2-0[4] +0 TNA
44. Leo & Star Jr 1-0-0[1] -3* CMLL
Angel Fashion Perez & David Montes 1-0-0[1] -3* WWC
Arana De Plata & Hip Hop Man 1-0-0[1] -3* IWRG
47. Dragon Celestial & Metaleon 2-0-0[2] -12* IWRG
48. Kenny King & MVP 2-3-0[5] -12 TNA
1. Daniel Bryan & Roman Reigns 9-0-0[9] +1299[1015] WWE
2. Usos [Jimmy & Jey] 82-51-12[145] +1288 WWE
3. Hardys [Matt & Jeff] 9-4-3[16] +599[504] ECW/TNA
4. Dolph Ziggler & Ryback 1-0-0[1] +589[561] WWE
5. Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods 4-0-0[4] +565[485] WWE
6. Goldust & Stardust 30-33-7[70] +564 WWE
7. Darren Young & Titus O'Neil 25-45-1[71] +299 WWE
8. Buddy Murphy & Wesley Blake 4-5-1[10 +283[248] NXT NXT Champs[1/15/15]
9. Briscoe Brothers [Jay & Mark] 22-6-5[33] +257 ROH
10. Kalisto & Sin Cara(2) 13-2-0[15] +255 NXT
11. The Ascension [Konnor & Viktor] 26-6-2[34] +248 NXT/WWE
12. Sons of Samoa [L.A. Smooth & Manu] 10-7-2[19] +232* WWC
13. Ash Rubinsky & William De La Vega 11-10-4[25] +211* WWC
14. Los Matadores[Diego & Fernando] 38-42-5[85] +172 WWE & WWC
15. Big E Langston & Kofi Kingston 9-4-0[13] +162[15] WWE
16. Damien Sandow & The Miz 8-13-1[22] +161 WWE
17. Abyss & James Storm 3-1-0[4] +155 TNA
18. La Revolucion 1-1-0[2] +154[120] WWC
19. Billy Gunn & Road Dogg 5-5-2[12] +102* TNA/WWE
20. Misterioso Jr & Sagrado 1-0-0[1] +101[71] CMLL A.Col.Champs[2/28/15]
21. Delta & Guerrero Maya Jr 3-1-0[4] +100 CMLL
22. Esfinge & El Gallo 3-0-0[3] +78[65] CMLL Occ Champs[2/27/15]23. Bobby Zavala & Olimpico 2-1-0[3] +78 CMLL
24. Finn Balor & Hideo Itami 4-0-0[4] +67* NXT
25. Big Show & Kane 8-4-0[12] +60 WWE
26. Colin Cassaday & Enzo Amore 3-4-2[9] +50[66] NXT
27. Aiden English & Simon Gotch 10-6-0[16] +49 NXT
28. Alex Koslov & Rocky Romero 2-3-3[8] +48* ROH/NJPW
29. Hirooki Goto & Katsuyuri Shibata 1-1-0[2] +44 NJPW
30. Chicano(2) & Danny Casas 1-1-0[2] +38 IWRG IC Champs [1/25/15]
31. Big E. Langston & Xavier Woods 1-1-0[2] +22 WWE
32. Mr. Anderson & Rockstar Spud 1-0-0[1] +19 TNA
33. ACH & Matt Sydal 1-0-1[2] +13 ROH
34. Canis Lupus & Eterno 3-2-0[4] +8* IWRG
35. Black Terry & Negro Navarro 1-0-0[1] +8* IWRG
36. Eric Young & Low Ki 1-0-0[1] +7* TNA
37. Gunner & Mr. Anderson 1-0-0[1] +5* TNA
38. Drago & La Parka 2-0-0[2] +4* LYC
39. Chicky Starr & Xix Xavant 1-1-0[2] +6* WWC
40. Hijo De Mascara Ano 2000 & Universo 2000 Jr 2-0-0[2] +2 IWRG
41. MVP & Samoa Joe 1-0-0[1] +2 TNA
Dean Ambrose & Dolph Ziggler 1-0-0[1] +2 WWE
43. Ethan Carter 3rd & Tyrus 2-2-0[4] +0 TNA
44. Leo & Star Jr 1-0-0[1] -3* CMLL
Angel Fashion Perez & David Montes 1-0-0[1] -3* WWC
Arana De Plata & Hip Hop Man 1-0-0[1] -3* IWRG
47. Dragon Celestial & Metaleon 2-0-0[2] -12* IWRG
48. Kenny King & MVP 2-3-0[5] -12 TNA
49. Christopher Daniels & Kazarian 17-21-8[46] -12[3] TNA/ROH
50. Mike Mendoza & Xix Xavant 2-1-0[3] -17 WWC
51. Apolo Estrada Jr & Hijo Del Diablo 1-1-0[2] -23* IWRG
52. Anubis Black & Arana De Plata 2-1-0[3] -29 IWRG
53. Jesse Goddarz & Robbie E 11-7-0[18] -33* TNA
54. Bobby Roode & Eric Young 1-1-0[2] -28 TNA
55. Cortez Castro & Mr. Cisco 1-1-0[2] -37 LU
56. Mandrews & Rockstar Spud 1-1-0[2] -42 TNA
57. Jason Jordan & Tye Dillinger 2-6-1[9] -85 NXT
58. Heath Slater & Titus O'Neil 4-11-0[15] -91 WWE
59. Las Trauma 1&2 8-7-2[17] -134* LYC/IWRG
60. Darren Young & Kevin Kross 0-1-0[1] 0 WWE
50. Mike Mendoza & Xix Xavant 2-1-0[3] -17 WWC
51. Apolo Estrada Jr & Hijo Del Diablo 1-1-0[2] -23* IWRG
52. Anubis Black & Arana De Plata 2-1-0[3] -29 IWRG
53. Jesse Goddarz & Robbie E 11-7-0[18] -33* TNA
54. Bobby Roode & Eric Young 1-1-0[2] -28 TNA
55. Cortez Castro & Mr. Cisco 1-1-0[2] -37 LU
56. Mandrews & Rockstar Spud 1-1-0[2] -42 TNA
57. Jason Jordan & Tye Dillinger 2-6-1[9] -85 NXT
58. Heath Slater & Titus O'Neil 4-11-0[15] -91 WWE
59. Las Trauma 1&2 8-7-2[17] -134* LYC/IWRG
60. Darren Young & Kevin Kross 0-1-0[1] 0 WWE
61. Alex Shelley & KUSHIDA 0-1-3[4] -11 ROH/NJPW
62. Kane & Seth Rollins 0-2-2[4] -11 WWE
63. Matt Taven & Michael Bennett 0-2-1[3] -13 ROH
62. Kane & Seth Rollins 0-2-2[4] -11 WWE
63. Matt Taven & Michael Bennett 0-2-1[3] -13 ROH
64. Hijo De Dos Caras & Super Nova 0-1-0[1] -1 IWRG
La Mascara & La Sombra 0-1-0[1] -1 CMLL
66. Danger Dean & Jason Jaxon 0-1-0[1] -3 WWE
Mad 1 & Spartan 0-1-0[1] -14* WWE
Papi C & Titan(2) 0-1-0[1] -14* WWE
71. Angel Fashion Perez & Diabolico 0-1-0[1] -16 WWC
72. Bu Ku Dao & Socorro 0-1-0[1] -16* WWE
John Skyler & Purple Haze 0-1-0[1] -16* WWE
74. Douki & Hip Hop Man 0-1-0[1] -19* IWRG
75. Silver King & Texano Jr 0-2-0[2] -20* LYC
76. Mascarita Sagrada & Pimpenella Escarlotta 0-1-0[1] -21 LU
77. Bobby Lashley & Kurt Angle 0-1-0[1] -30 TNA
Bad News Barrett & Luke Harper 0-1-0[1] -30 WWE
79. Arkangel De Muerte & Malefico 0-1-0[1] -35* CMLL
Angel Cotto & Rikochet 0-1-0[1] -35* WWC
Alfa & Dragon Celestial 0-1-0[1] -35* IWRG
82. Randy Orton & Seth Rollins 0-2-0[2] -41 WWE
83. Juan Manuel Ortega & William De La Vega 0-1-0[1] -60 WWC
85. Big Show & Seth Rollins 0-3-0[3] -82* WWE
86. Ethan Carter 3rd & Rockstar Spud 0-3-0[3] -125* TNA
For more information on the ranking system or complete rankings, click on the categories at the top of the page.
La Mascara & La Sombra 0-1-0[1] -1 CMLL
66. Danger Dean & Jason Jaxon 0-1-0[1] -3 WWE
67. Angelo Dawkins & Sawyer Fulton 0-1-0[1] -10 NXT
68. Lance Anoai & Rhett Titus 0-1-0[1] 14* WWEMad 1 & Spartan 0-1-0[1] -14* WWE
Papi C & Titan(2) 0-1-0[1] -14* WWE
71. Angel Fashion Perez & Diabolico 0-1-0[1] -16 WWC
72. Bu Ku Dao & Socorro 0-1-0[1] -16* WWE
John Skyler & Purple Haze 0-1-0[1] -16* WWE
74. Douki & Hip Hop Man 0-1-0[1] -19* IWRG
75. Silver King & Texano Jr 0-2-0[2] -20* LYC
76. Mascarita Sagrada & Pimpenella Escarlotta 0-1-0[1] -21 LU
77. Bobby Lashley & Kurt Angle 0-1-0[1] -30 TNA
Bad News Barrett & Luke Harper 0-1-0[1] -30 WWE
79. Arkangel De Muerte & Malefico 0-1-0[1] -35* CMLL
Angel Cotto & Rikochet 0-1-0[1] -35* WWC
Alfa & Dragon Celestial 0-1-0[1] -35* IWRG
82. Randy Orton & Seth Rollins 0-2-0[2] -41 WWE
83. Juan Manuel Ortega & William De La Vega 0-1-0[1] -60 WWC
84. Bobby Roode & Kurt Angle 0-2-0[2] -65* TNA
86. Ethan Carter 3rd & Rockstar Spud 0-3-0[3] -125* TNA
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