In Men's Division action, #12. Dolph Ziggler defeated #30. Zack Ryder. Dolph earned 17 points, Zack dropped 11 points and lost his 577 point bonus for a total loss of 588 points. #11. Sheamus defeated #7. Christian. Christian dropped 11 points while Sheamus picked up 24 points plus 227 bonus points to temporarily give him more points than Christian. He'll keep those points until he losses a match [other than by dq] or does not wrestle a televised match for 1 calendar month. #1. Randy Orton defeated #2. Cody Rhodes. Orton picked up 29 points, Cody dropped 1 point plus his 1713 bonus points for a total loss of 1714 points. World Champion Mark Henry and #20. Big Show went to a No Contest. Neither man gained or lost points and both got a :No Decision" on their records. WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio defeated #3. John Cena in a "Last Man Standing" match. Cena dropped 1 point, Del Rio picked up 28 points.
In Tag Team Division action, WWE Champions Evan Bourne & Kofi Kingston defeated # 33. Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger. Air Boom picked up 16 points, Team Vicki dropped 1 point. #30.Miz & R-Truth defeated unranked C.M. Punk and HHH. Miz & Truth picked up 2 points, Punk & HHH entered the rankings with an 0-1-0 record and minus 14 points.
In a Women's Division match, Divas Champion Beth Phoenix defeated #2. Eve Torres. Beth picked up 29 points, Eve dropped 1 point.
Have a nice night!
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